Organizational Structures
·         Organizational employees must work closely together to develop strategic initiatives that create competitive advantages.

IT Roles and Responsibilities
Recent IT-related strategic positions:
1.     Chief information officer (cio)
-          Oversees all uses of IT and ensures the strategic alignment of IT with business goals and objectives.
2.     Chief technology officer (cto)
-          Responsible for ensuring the throughput, speed, accuracy, availability, and reliability of IT.
3.     Chief security officer (cso)
-          Responsible for ensuring the security of IT systems.
4.     Chief privacy  officer (cpo)
-          Responsible for ensuring the ethical and legal use of information.
5.     Chief knowledge officer (cko)
-          Responsible for collecting, maintaining, and disturbing the organization’s knowledge.

The Gap Between Business Personnel and IT Personnel
·         Business personnel possess expertise in functional areas such as marketing, accounting and sales.
·         IT personnel have technological expertise.

Organizational Fundamentals
·         Two fundamental building blocks that organizations must base their businesses on to be successful are ethics and security.

1.     Ethics
-          The principles and standards that guide our behaviour towards other people.
-          Issue affected by technology advances :
·         Intellectual Property
-          Intangible creative work that is embodied in physical form
·         Copyright
-          The legal protection afforded an expression on an idea.
·         Fair Use Doctrine
-          It is legal to use copyrighted material.
·         Pirated Software
      -   Duplication
·         Counterfeit Software
-          Software that is manufactured to look like real thing.

2.     Security
-          Information Security

The protection of  information from accidental or intentional misuse by persons inside or outside an organization.
